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Jade distinguish artificial landscaping
   2014-03-10 15:08:30   

The so-called "B and C cargo Jade Jade Cargo " , both of which are real jade its natural jade material , but it hit the machine to its original material is relatively poor, in order to improve its ornamental and decorative nature , people are with varying degrees of landscaping treatment . B jade is one of the few

The original low transparency, color dark emerald , with a strong acid cleaning, make certain impurities are washed away , to improve transparency and make the color more vibrant purposes. But in that case , the intensity of emerald damaged , you need to put under vacuum resin hardener it hit machine injection

Jade in order to increase its strength. So B pickling of goods actually dispensing emerald . Despite this emerald has a very good ornamental and decorative, but after damage to its strength , it has not hit durable machine defects , so the price can not really completely natural day

Compared to natural A cargo jade. C is a more low-end goods emerald jade , it would have no beautiful colors , now see artificial colors are subsequently contracted to go, so it has a lower price . JADE Jade on this issue than simply a number . It is common to cook the local sugar

Color ( like red brown sugar ) , posing a higher price in order to feed the child jade .

The merits of good quality jade ring

This is a more complex issue , involving a number of evaluation factors . The first is the color of the emerald is in pure emerald green for good, then it hit the green machine the more recent strong, positive , positive , uniform requirements , the higher the value , and places as white as jade suet is superior.

In fact , the best way to avoid scams is to purchase it when you buy jade playing machine , requiring businesses to provide identification certificate authority structure of the jade . If not, then you should ask him in the invoice stated clearly and in detail what the correct name of the machine to play the purchased goods. So

After your purchase, please identify departments were identified if found inconsistent with the brand name purchase , you can return to the business claims.

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